
Ulawun volcano (Papua New Guinea): major ash clouds drifting east and south from the volcano at 63000 and 55000 ft altitude - VolcanoDiscovery

  1. Ulawun volcano (Papua New Guinea): major ash clouds drifting east and south from the volcano at 63000 and 55000 ft altitude  VolcanoDiscovery
  2. This is what an erupting volcano looks like from space  CNN
  3. This volcano just erupted after nearly a century of silence. Astronauts captured the breathtaking scene from 254 miles above.  The Washington Post
  4. Astronauts Aboard ISS Capture ‘Spectacular’ Snaps of Raikoke’s Eruption (Photos)  Sputnik International
  5. Russian Volcano Erupts for the First Time Since 1924 And the Images Are Stunning  The Weather Channel
  6. View full coverage on Google News


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